Hey beautiful!
Yes, you.
The most beautiful, strong, flawless, incredible human walking on this earth
The greatest.
How do I know?
Life baby, it’s because of Life, The Life
Do I look inexperienced?
Babe don’t let the reflections seduce you and the shallows deceive you.
You might be an easy target, but you are not dumb
I’m made of confidence and self-love
I’ve eaten rejection for breakfast since forever
Celebrated the no’s every weekend.
Did I stop going because of that?
Who are they to tell me who I’m?
They didn’t create me.
Didn’t put me in my skin.
Didn’t give me my personality.
Didn’t even add a single character to ity didn’t create me.
Didn’t put me in my skin.
Didn’t give me my personality.
Didn’t even add a single character to it.
The words they use to try to push me down.
I used as fuel to climb even higher.
Take notice, it is not the stairs of success and famousness.
I would never run that race unless it was mine to take.
I’m talking about the stairs of maturity.
The one that they refuse to walk.
But gladly they stand aside and scream what it’s right and wrong.
Without even moving their ass.
No darling, I’m climbing the stairs of growth.
Potential is not for filled without actions.
No muscles without sweat and pain.
Digg into growth and you will understand.
Only because you are in the dark doesn’t mean you have to be buried you are planted.
Only because you are hidden and they don’t see you doesn’t mean you stopped growing.
Only because you didn’t speak up doesn’t mean you don’t have anything to say.
Only because they didn’t acknowledge you doesn’t mean you are not known.
Time will tell.
Your roots are deep.
Your standards high.
Your integrity is preserved.
Yes baby, we strive for those things as we climbing higher.
To get a wider perspective.
To spread more love.
To do more good.
That’s great stuff!
Yes, I know.
Confidence baby, confidence.
Your sincerely