Violence and dead
Screaming in my face
Please save me
What have I done?
I’m innocent
I’m without guilt
Still convicted
I cry in silence
Tears for the nation
We are in this together
Souls trying to figure out how to live a life
Oh life
A second away from been taken
Weakness can’t kill
Hate does
Screaming in my face
I do cry in silence
Tears for the nation
It’s time to fight back
No not the same weapon
That can’t conquer anything
Death has more death in it hands
Death is spreading like a virus taking unlived lives to a place where they can’t live anymore
The fight is now
Fight with love and life
Do you know how to destroy the death knell?
Don’t you need to use more power
Power of what?
The immortal love
With what will last forever
I do cry in silence
Tears for the nation
For the misconception
The fight is not over
It’s not lost
It’s actually the opposite
The immortal love
Is here to stay, was here before, has never been gone
Violence and dead may scream in my face
I’m not turning that way
I do cry in silence
Tears for the nation
I’m turning to love
I’m going to hold on tight and never letting it go